

In 1995 and 2000, I visited Segesta in Sicily. A beautiful small theater near the summit of the hill, Monte Barbaro. It is one of the best preserved ancient theaters in existence, built in the mid 3th century BC, or possibly earlier. With a diameter of 63 meter and two rows of seats. It could hold 3200 spectators.
The exterior of the cavea was supported by a high polygonal wall, which is particularly well preserved at the two sides.

The scanea can be reconstructed by various artefacts, like two very damaged statues of Pan, God of shepherds and flocks, which were placed like Telemon. A Greek inscription refers to a statue of Phalakros, which was erected by his son Sopolis, while the family of Phalokros probably financed the theater.

Quite irritating is my finger at the left sight of the lens. 

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