Baelo Claudia (Spain)

My workation, gave me the opportunity to visit 4 theaters and 2 amphitheaters in Andalusia. One of the theaters is in the far south-west of Spain, Baelo Claudia.

Originally, Baelo Claudia was the town of the Turdetani, which came a municipium under Claudius. It was integrated into the street plan. It has a diameter of 70 meter, facing south to the Ocean. It was built on a slope, with an outer wall of 2,70 meter hight. No seats survived.

The orchestra was in front of the stage and was accessible from the side doors. In the south on both sides of the stage are flanked by rectangular buildings, so-called side-halls (parascaenia). A tier (pulpitum) separated the orchestra from the stage and was decorated with marble and painted stucco. Remains of it can still be found today. The 18 meter diameter semicircle at the foot of the auditorium was not just the orchestra pit. A balastrade (balteus) separated the orchestra from the first rows of seats, intended for the city's upper class. The stage wall (scaena) had five doors, which were used by the actor to quickly enter the stage. Light-hearted plays and satires were particularly popular with the Romans, but performances of mimes, dance and short comedies were also staged at the time. 

During the excavations two life-size statues of Silenus were found in proscenium. A reclining satyr decorated the stage.  

More of my pictures can be found here

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